Source code for fastparquet.api

"""parquet - read parquet files."""
import ast
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import re
import struct

import numpy as np
import fsspec
import pandas as pd

from fastparquet import core, schema, converted_types, encoding, dataframe, writer
from fastparquet import parquet_thrift
from fastparquet.cencoding import ThriftObject, from_buffer
from fastparquet.json import json_decoder
from fastparquet.util import (default_open, default_remove, ParquetException, val_to_num,
                   ops, ensure_bytes, ensure_str, check_column_names, metadata_from_many,
                   ex_from_sep, _strip_path_tail, get_fs, PANDAS_VERSION, join_path)

# Find in names of partition files the integer matching "**part.*.parquet",
# as 'i'.
PART_ID = re.compile(r'.*part.(?P<i>[\d]+).parquet$')

[docs]class ParquetFile(object): """The metadata of a parquet file or collection Reads the metadata (row-groups and schema definition) and provides methods to extract the data from the files. Note that when reading parquet files partitioned using directories (i.e. using the hive/drill scheme), an attempt is made to coerce the partition values to a number, datetime or timedelta. Fastparquet cannot read a hive/drill parquet file with partition names which coerce to the same value, such as "0.7" and ".7". Parameters ---------- fn: path/URL string or list of paths Location of the data. If a directory, will attempt to read a file "_metadata" within that directory. If a list of paths, will assume that they make up a single parquet data set. This parameter can also be any file-like object, in which case this must be a single-file dataset. verify: bool [False] test file start/end byte markers open_with: function With the signature `func(path, mode)`, returns a context which evaluated to a file open for reading. Defaults to the built-in `open`. root: str If passing a list of files, the top directory of the data-set may be ambiguous for partitioning where the upmost field has only one value. Use this to specify the dataset root directory, if required. fs: fsspec-compatible filesystem You can use this instead of open_with (otherwise, it will be inferred) pandas_nulls: bool (True) If True, columns that are int or bool in parquet, but have nulls, will become pandas nullale types (Uint, Int, boolean). If False (the only behaviour prior to v0.7.0), both kinds will be cast to float, and nulls will be NaN unless pandas metadata indicates that the original datatypes were nullable. Pandas nullable types were introduces in v1.0.0, but were still marked as experimental in v1.3.0. Attributes ---------- fn: path/URL Of '_metadata' file. basepath: path/URL Of directory containing files of parquet dataset. cats: dict Columns derived from hive/drill directory information, with known values for each column. categories: list Columns marked as categorical in the extra metadata (meaning the data must have come from pandas). columns: list of str The data columns available count: int Total number of rows dtypes: dict Expected output types for each column file_scheme: str 'simple': all row groups are within the same file; 'hive': all row groups are in other files; 'mixed': row groups in this file and others too; 'empty': no row groups at all. info: dict Combination of some of the other attributes key_value_metadata: dict Additional information about this data's origin, e.g., pandas description, and custom metadata defined by user. row_groups: list Thrift objects for each row group schema: schema.SchemaHelper print this for a representation of the column structure selfmade: bool If this file was created by fastparquet statistics: dict Max/min/count of each column chunk fs: fsspec-compatible filesystem You can use this instead of open_with (otherwise, it will be inferred) """ _pdm = None _kvm = None _categories = None def __init__(self, fn, verify=False, open_with=default_open, root=False, sep=None, fs=None, pandas_nulls=True, dtypes=None): self.pandas_nulls = pandas_nulls self._base_dtype = dtypes = None self._columns_dtype = None if open_with is default_open and fs is None: fs = fsspec.filesystem("file") elif fs is not None: open_with = else: fs = getattr(open_with, "__self__", None) if fs is None: fs, fn, open_with, mkdirs = get_fs(fn, open_with, None) if isinstance(fn, (tuple, list)): if root and fs is not None: root = fs._strip_protocol(root) basepath, fmd = metadata_from_many(fn, verify_schema=verify, open_with=open_with, root=root, fs=fs) writer.consolidate_categories(fmd) self.fn = join_path( basepath, '_metadata') if basepath else '_metadata' self.fmd = fmd self._set_attrs() elif hasattr(fn, 'read'): # file-like self.fn = None self._parse_header(fn, verify) if self.file_scheme not in ['simple', 'empty']: raise ValueError('Cannot use file-like input ' 'with multi-file data') open_with = lambda *args, **kwargs: fn elif isinstance(fs, fsspec.AbstractFileSystem): if fs.isfile(fn): self.fn = join_path(fn) with open_with(fn, 'rb') as f: self._parse_header(f, verify) if root: paths = [fn.replace(root, "")] self.file_scheme, self.cats = paths_to_cats(paths, None) elif "*" in fn or fs.isdir(fn): fn2 = join_path(fn, '_metadata') if fs.exists(fn2): self.fn = fn2 with open_with(fn2, 'rb') as f: self._parse_header(f, verify) fn = fn2 else: # TODO: get details from fs here, rather than do suffix cat in # metadata_from_many if "*" in fn: allfiles = fs.glob(fn) else: allfiles = [f for f in fs.find(fn) if f.endswith(".parquet") or f.endswith(".parq")] root = root or fn if not allfiles: raise ValueError("No files in dir") if root: root = fs._strip_protocol(root) basepath, fmd = metadata_from_many(allfiles, verify_schema=verify, open_with=open_with, root=root, fs=fs) writer.consolidate_categories(fmd) self.fn = join_path(basepath, '_metadata') if basepath \ else '_metadata' self.fmd = fmd self._set_attrs() self.fs = fs else: raise FileNotFoundError(fn) else: done = False try: self.fn = fn f = open_with(fn) self._parse_header(f, verify) done = True except IOError: pass if not done: # allow this to error with FileNotFound or whatever try: self.fn = join_path(fn, "_metadata") f = open_with(self.fn) self._parse_header(f, verify) except IOError as e: raise ValueError("Opening directories without a _metadata requires" "a filesystem compatible with fsspec") from e = open_with self._statistics = None def _parse_header(self, f, verify=True): if self.fn and self.fn.endswith("_metadata"): # no point attempting to read footer only for pure metadata data =[4:-8] self._head_size = len(data) else: try: if verify: assert == b'PAR1', 2) head_size = struct.unpack('<I',[0] if verify: assert == b'PAR1' self._head_size = head_size + 8), 2) data = except (AssertionError, struct.error): raise ParquetException('File parse failed: %s' % self.fn) try: fmd = from_buffer(data, "FileMetaData") except Exception: raise ParquetException('Metadata parse failed: %s' % self.fn) # for rg in fmd.row_groups: for rg in fmd[4]: # chunks = rg.columns chunks = rg[1] if chunks: chunk = chunks[0] # s = chunk.file_path s = chunk.get(1) if s: # chunk.file_path = s.decode() chunk[1] = s.decode() self.fmd = fmd self._set_attrs() def _set_attrs(self): fmd = self.fmd self.version = fmd.version self._schema = fmd.schema self.row_groups = fmd.row_groups or [] self.created_by = fmd.created_by self.schema = schema.SchemaHelper(self._schema) self.selfmade = ( b"fastparquet" in self.created_by if self.created_by is not None else False ) self._read_partitions() self._dtypes() @property def helper(self): return self.schema @property def columns(self): """ Column names """ return [_ for _ in self.dtypes if _ not in self.cats] @property def statistics(self): if self._statistics is None: self._statistics = statistics(self) return self._statistics @property def key_value_metadata(self): if self._kvm is None: self._kvm = { ensure_str(k.key, ignore_error=True): ensure_str(k.value, ignore_error=True) for k in self.fmd.key_value_metadata or []} return self._kvm @property def partition_meta(self): return {col['field_name']: col for col in self.pandas_metadata.get('partition_columns', [])} @property def basepath(self): return re.sub(r'_metadata(/)?$', '', self.fn).rstrip('/') def _read_partitions(self): # paths = [rg.columns[0].file_path] ... if rg.columns] paths = [rg[1][0].get(1, "") for rg in self.row_groups if rg[1]] self.file_scheme, self.cats = paths_to_cats(paths, self.partition_meta)
[docs] def head(self, nrows, **kwargs): """Get the first nrows of data This will load the whole of the first valid row-group for the given columns. kwargs can include things like columns, filters, etc., with the same semantics as to_pandas(). If filters are applied, it may happen that data is so reduced that 'nrows' is not ensured (fewer rows). returns: dataframe """ # TODO: implement with truncated assign and early exit # from reading total_rows = 0 for i, rg in enumerate(self.row_groups): total_rows += rg.num_rows if total_rows >= nrows: break return self[:i+1].to_pandas(**kwargs).head(nrows)
def __getitem__(self, item): """Select among the row-groups using integer/slicing""" import copy new_rgs = self.row_groups[item] if not isinstance(new_rgs, list): new_rgs = [new_rgs] new_pf = object.__new__(ParquetFile) fmd = copy.copy(self.fmd) fmd.row_groups = new_rgs new_pf.__setstate__( {"fn": self.fn, "open":, "fmd": fmd, "pandas_nulls": self.pandas_nulls, "_base_dtype": self._base_dtype, "tz":, "_columns_dtype": self._columns_dtype} ) new_pf._set_attrs() return new_pf def __len__(self): """Return number of row groups.""" if self.fmd.row_groups: return len(self.fmd.row_groups) else: return 0 def __bool__(self): """Return True, takes precedence over `__len__`.""" return True def row_group_filename(self, rg): if rg.columns and rg.columns[0].file_path: base = self.basepath if base: return join_path(base, rg.columns[0].file_path) else: return rg.columns[0].file_path else: return self.fn
[docs] def read_row_group_file(self, rg, columns, categories, index=None, assign=None, partition_meta=None, row_filter=False, infile=None): """ Open file for reading, and process it as a row-group assign is None if this method is called directly (not from to_pandas), in which case we return the resultant dataframe row_filter can be: - False (don't do row filtering) - a list of filters (do filtering here for this one row-group; only makes sense if assign=None - bool array with a size equal to the number of rows in this group and the length of the assign arrays """ categories = self.check_categories(categories) fn = self.row_group_filename(rg) ret = False if assign is None: if row_filter and isinstance(row_filter, list): cs = self._columns_from_filters(row_filter) df = self.read_row_group_file( rg, cs, categories, index=False, infile=infile, row_filter=False) row_filter = self._column_filter(df, filters=row_filter) size = row_filter.sum() if size == rg.num_rows: row_filter = False else: size = rg.num_rows df, assign = self.pre_allocate( size, columns, categories, index) if "PANDAS_ATTRS" in self.key_value_metadata: import json df.attrs = json.loads(self.key_value_metadata["PANDAS_ATTRS"]) ret = True f = infile or, mode='rb') core.read_row_group( f, rg, columns, categories, self.schema, self.cats, selfmade=self.selfmade, index=index, assign=assign, scheme=self.file_scheme, partition_meta=partition_meta, row_filter=row_filter ) if ret: return df
[docs] def iter_row_groups(self, filters=None, **kwargs): """ Iterate a dataset by row-groups If filters is given, omits row-groups that fail the filer (saving execution time) Returns ------- Generator yielding one Pandas data-frame per row-group. """ rgs = filter_row_groups(self, filters) if filters else self.row_groups for rg in rgs: i = self.row_groups.index(rg) df = self[i].to_pandas(filters=filters, **kwargs) if not df.empty: yield df
[docs] def remove_row_groups(self, rgs, sort_pnames:bool=False, write_fmd:bool=True, open_with=default_open, remove_with=None): """ Remove list of row groups from disk. `ParquetFile` metadata are updated accordingly. This method can not be applied if file scheme is simple. Parameter --------- rgs: row group or list of row groups List of row groups to be removed from disk. sort_pnames : bool, default False Align name of part files with position of the 1st row group they contain. Only used if `file_scheme` of parquet file is set to `hive` or `drill`. write_fmd: bool, True Write updated common metadata to disk. open_with: function When called with f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object. remove_with: function When called with f(path) removes the file or directory given (and any contained files). Not required if this ParquetFile has a .fs file system attribute """ if not isinstance(rgs, list): if isinstance(rgs, ThriftObject) or isinstance(rgs, dict): # Case 'rgs' is a single row group ('ThriftObject' or 'dict'). rgs = [rgs] else: # Use `list()` here, not `[]`, as the latter does not transform # generator or tuple into list but encapsulates them in a list. rgs = list(rgs) if rgs: if self.file_scheme == 'simple': raise ValueError("Not possible to remove row groups when file " "scheme is 'simple'.") if remove_with is None: if hasattr(self, 'fs'): remove_with = self.fs.rm else: remove_with = default_remove rgs_to_remove = row_groups_map(rgs) if (b"fastparquet" not in self.created_by or self.file_scheme == 'flat'): # Check if some files contain row groups both to be removed and # to be kept. all_rgs = row_groups_map(self.fmd.row_groups) for file in rgs_to_remove: if len(rgs_to_remove[file]) < len(all_rgs[file]): raise ValueError( f"File {file} contains row groups both to be kept " "and to be removed. Removing row groups partially " "from a file is not possible.") if rgs != self.fmd.row_groups: rg_new = self.fmd.row_groups else: # Deep copy required if 'rg_new' and 'rgs' points both to # 'self.fmd.row_groups'. from copy import deepcopy rg_new = deepcopy(self.fmd.row_groups) for rg in rgs: rg_new.remove(rg) self.fmd.num_rows -= rg.num_rows self.fmd.row_groups = rg_new try: basepath = self.basepath remove_with([f'{basepath}/{file}' for file in rgs_to_remove]) except IOError: pass self._set_attrs() if sort_pnames: self._sort_part_names(False, open_with) if write_fmd: self._write_common_metadata(open_with)
[docs] def write_row_groups(self, data, row_group_offsets=None, sort_key=None, sort_pnames:bool=False, compression=None, write_fmd:bool=True, open_with=default_open, mkdirs=None, stats="auto"): """Write data as new row groups to disk, with optional sorting. Parameters ---------- data : pandas dataframe or iterable of pandas dataframe Data to add to existing parquet dataset. Only columns are written to disk. Row index is not kept. If a dataframe, columns are checked against parquet file schema. row_group_offsets: int or list of int If int, row-groups will be approximately this many rows, rounded down to make row groups about the same size; If a list, the explicit index values to start new row groups; If `None`, set to 50_000_000. sort_key : function, default None Sorting function used as `key` parameter for `row_groups.sort()` function. This function is called once new row groups have been added to list of existing ones. If not provided, new row groups are only appended to existing ones and the updated list of row groups is not sorted. sort_pnames : bool, default False Align name of part files with position of the 1st row group they contain. Only used if `file_scheme` of parquet file is set to `hive` or `drill`. compression : str or dict, default None Compression to apply to each column, e.g. ``GZIP`` or ``SNAPPY`` or a ``dict`` like ``{"col1": "SNAPPY", "col2": None}`` to specify per column compression types. By default, do not compress. Please, review full description of this parameter in `write` docstring. write_fmd : bool, default True Write updated common metadata to disk. open_with : function When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object. mkdirs : function When called with a path/URL, creates any necessary dictionaries to make that location writable, e.g., ``os.makedirs``. This is not necessary if using the simple file scheme. stats : True|False|list of str Whether to calculate and write summary statistics. If True (default), do it for every column; If False, never do; If a list of str, do it only for those specified columns. "auto" means True for any int/float or timemstamp column, False otherwise. This will become the default in a future release. """ from .writer import write_simple, write_multi partition_on = list(self.cats) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self_cols = sorted(self.columns + partition_on) if self_cols != sorted(data.columns): diff_cols = set(data.columns) ^ set(self_cols) raise ValueError( f'Column names of new data are {sorted(data.columns)}. ' f'But column names in existing file are {self_cols}. ' f'{diff_cols} are columns being either only in existing ' 'file or only in new data. This is not possible.') if (self.file_scheme == 'simple' or (self.file_scheme == 'empty' and self.fn[-9:] != '_metadata')): # Case 'simple'. write_simple(self.fn, data, self.fmd, row_group_offsets=row_group_offsets, compression=compression, open_with=open_with, has_nulls=None, append=True, stats=stats) else: # Case 'hive' or 'drill'. write_multi(self.basepath, data, self.fmd, row_group_offsets=row_group_offsets, compression=compression, file_scheme=self.file_scheme, write_fmd=False, open_with=open_with, mkdirs=mkdirs, partition_on=partition_on, append=True, stats=stats) if sort_key: # Not using 'sort()' because 'row_groups' is a ThriftObject, # not a list. self.fmd.row_groups = sorted(self.fmd.row_groups, key=sort_key) if sort_pnames: self._sort_part_names(False, open_with) if write_fmd: self._write_common_metadata(open_with) self._set_attrs()
def _sort_part_names(self, write_fmd:bool=True, open_with=default_open): """Align parquet files id to that of the first row group they contain. This method only manages files which name follows pattern "part.{id}.parquet". Field `id` is then aligned to the index of the first row group it contains. The index of a row groups is its position in row group list. Parameters ---------- write_fmd : bool, default True Write updated common metadata to disk. open_with : function When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object. Only needed if `write_fmd` is `True`. """ from .writer import part_ids pids = part_ids(self.fmd.row_groups) if pids: # Keep only items for which row group position does not match part # name id. pids = dict(filter(lambda item: item[0] != item[1][0], pids.items())) basepath = self.basepath # Give temporary names in a 1st pass to prevent overwritings. for pid in pids: item = pids[pid] rgid, fname = item[0], item[1] src = f'{basepath}/{fname}' parts = partitions(fname) dst = join_path(basepath, parts, f'part.{rgid}.parquet.tmp') self.fs.rename(src, dst) # Give definitive names in a 2nd pass. for pid in pids: item = pids[pid] rgid, fname = item[0], item[1] parts = partitions(fname) src = join_path(basepath, parts, f'part.{rgid}.parquet.tmp') dst_part = join_path(parts, f'part.{rgid}.parquet') dst = join_path(basepath, dst_part) self.fs.rename(src, dst) for col in self.fmd.row_groups[rgid].columns: col.file_path = dst_part if write_fmd: self._write_common_metadata(open_with) def _write_common_metadata(self, open_with=default_open): """ Write common metadata to disk. Parameter --------- open_with: function When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object. """ from .writer import write_common_metadata if self.file_scheme == 'simple': raise ValueError("Not possible to write common metadata when file \ scheme is 'simple'.") fmd = self.fmd write_common_metadata(self.fn, fmd, open_with, no_row_groups=False) # replace '_metadata' with '_common_metadata' fn = f'{self.fn[:-9]}_common_metadata' write_common_metadata(fn, fmd, open_with) def _get_index(self, index=None): if index is None: index = [i if isinstance(i, str) else i["name"] for i in self.pandas_metadata.get('index_columns', []) if isinstance(i, str) or i.get("kind") != "range" ] if isinstance(index, str): index = [index] return index def _columns_from_filters(self, filters): return [ c for c in set(sum([[f[0]] if isinstance(f[0], str) else [g[0] for g in f] for f in filters], [])) if c not in self.cats ] def _column_filter(self, df, filters): out = np.zeros(len(df), dtype=bool) for or_part in filters: if isinstance(or_part[0], str): name, op, val = or_part if name in self.cats: continue if op == 'in': out |= df[name].isin(val).values elif op == "not in": out |= ~df[name].isin(val).values elif op in ops: out |= ops[op](df[name], val).values elif op == "~": out |= ~df[name].values else: and_part = np.ones(len(df), dtype=bool) for name, op, val in or_part: if name in self.cats: continue if op == 'in': and_part &= df[name].isin(val).values elif op == "not in": and_part &= ~df[name].isin(val).values elif op in ops: and_part &= ops[op](df[name].values, val) elif op == "~": and_part &= ~df[name].values out |= and_part return out
[docs] def to_pandas(self, columns=None, categories=None, filters=[], index=None, row_filter=False, dtypes=None): """ Read data from parquet into a Pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- columns: list of names or `None` Column to load (see `ParquetFile.columns`). Any columns in the data not in this list will be ignored. If `None`, read all columns. categories: list, dict or `None` If a column is encoded using dictionary encoding in every row-group and its name is also in this list, it will generate a Pandas Category-type column, potentially saving memory and time. If a dict {col: int}, the value indicates the number of categories, so that the optimal data-dtype can be allocated. If ``None``, will automatically set *if* the data was written from pandas. filters: list of list of tuples or list of tuples To filter out data. Filter syntax: [[(column, op, val), ...],...] where op is [==, =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, in, not in] The innermost tuples are transposed into a set of filters applied through an `AND` operation. The outer list combines these sets of filters through an `OR` operation. A single list of tuples can also be used, meaning that no `OR` operation between set of filters is to be conducted. index: string or list of strings or False or None Column(s) to assign to the (multi-)index. If None, index is inferred from the metadata (if this was originally pandas data); if the metadata does not exist or index is False, index is simple sequential integers. row_filter: bool or boolean ndarray Whether filters are applied to whole row-groups (False, default) or row-wise (True, experimental). The latter requires two passes of any row group that may contain valid rows, but can be much more memory-efficient, especially if the filter columns are not required in the output. If boolean array, it is applied as custom row filter. In this case, 'filter' parameter is ignored, and length of the array has to be equal to the total number of rows. Returns ------- Pandas data-frame """ rgs = filter_row_groups(self, filters) if filters else self.row_groups index = self._get_index(index) if columns is not None: columns = columns[:] else: columns = self.columns + list(self.cats) if index: columns += [i for i in index if i not in columns] check_column_names(self.columns + list(self.cats), columns, categories) if row_filter is not False: if filters and row_filter is True: # Rows are selected as per filters. # TODO: special case when filter columns are also in output cs = self._columns_from_filters(filters) df = self.to_pandas(columns=cs, filters=filters, row_filter=False, index=False) sel = self._column_filter(df, filters=filters) else: # Row are selected as per custom 'sel'. if sum(rg.num_rows for rg in rgs) != len(row_filter): raise ValueError('Provided boolean array for custom row \ selection does not match number of rows in DataFrame.') sel = row_filter size = sel.sum() selected = [] start = 0 for rg in rgs[:]: selected.append(sel[start:start+rg.num_rows]) start += rg.num_rows else: size = sum(rg.num_rows for rg in rgs) selected = [None] * len(rgs) # just to fill zip, below df, views = self.pre_allocate(size, columns, categories, index, dtypes=dtypes) if "PANDAS_ATTRS" in self.key_value_metadata: import json df.attrs = json.loads(self.key_value_metadata["PANDAS_ATTRS"]) start = 0 if self.file_scheme == 'simple': infile =, 'rb') else: infile = None for rg, sel in zip(rgs, selected): thislen = sel.sum() if sel is not None else rg.num_rows if thislen == rg.num_rows: # all good; noop if no row filtering sel = None elif thislen == 0: # no valid rows continue parts = {name: (v if name.endswith('-catdef') else v[start:start + thislen]) for (name, v) in views.items()} self.read_row_group_file(rg, columns, categories, index, assign=parts, partition_meta=self.partition_meta, row_filter=sel, infile=infile) start += thislen return df
def pre_allocate(self, size, columns, categories, index, dtypes=None): if dtypes is not None: columns = list(dtypes) else: dtypes = self._dtypes(categories) categories = self.check_categories(categories) cats = {k: v for k, v in self.cats.items() if k in columns} df, arrs = _pre_allocate(size, columns, categories, index, cats, dtypes,, columns_dtype=self._columns_dtype) i_no_name = re.compile(r"__index_level_\d+__") if self.has_pandas_metadata: md = self.pandas_metadata if categories: for c in md['columns']: if c['name'] in categories and c['name'] in df and c['metadata']: df[c['name']].dtype._ordered = c['metadata']['ordered'] if md.get('index_columns', False) and not (index or index is False): if len(md['index_columns']) == 1: ic = md['index_columns'][0] if isinstance(ic, dict) and ic.get('kind') == 'range': from pandas import RangeIndex df.index = RangeIndex( start=ic['start'], stop=ic['start'] + size * ic['step'] + 1, step=ic['step'] )[:size] names = [(c['name'] if isinstance(c, dict) else c) for c in md['index_columns']] names = [None if n is None or i_no_name.match(n) else n for n in names] df.index.names = names if md.get('column_indexes', False): names = [(c['name'] if isinstance(c, dict) else c) for c in md['column_indexes']] names = [None if n is None or i_no_name.match(n) else n for n in names] if len(names) > 1: df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ast.literal_eval(c) for c in df.columns if c not in df.index.names], names=names ) else: df.columns.names = names return df, arrs
[docs] def count(self, filters=None, row_filter=False): """ Total number of rows filters and row_filters have the same meaning as in to_pandas. Unless both are given, this method will not need to decode any data """ if row_filter: cs = self._columns_from_filters(filters) df = self.to_pandas(columns=cs, filters=filters, row_filter=False, index=False) return self._column_filter(df, filters=filters).sum() rgs = filter_row_groups(self, filters) return sum(rg.num_rows for rg in rgs)
@property def info(self): """ Dataset summary """ return {'name': self.fn, 'columns': self.columns, 'partitions': list(self.cats), 'rows': self.count(), "row_groups": len(self.row_groups)} def check_categories(self, cats): categ = self.categories if not self.has_pandas_metadata: return cats or {} if cats is None: return categ or {} if set(cats) - set(categ) and len(self.row_groups) > 1: raise TypeError("Attempt to read as category a field that " "was not stored as such") if isinstance(cats, dict): return cats out = {k: v for k, v in categ.items() if k in cats} out.update({c: pd.RangeIndex(0, 2**14) for c in cats if c not in categ}) return out @property def has_pandas_metadata(self): if self._pdm: return True if self.fmd.key_value_metadata is None: return False return bool(self.key_value_metadata.get('pandas', False)) @property def pandas_metadata(self): if self._pdm is None: if self.has_pandas_metadata: self._pdm = json_decoder()(self.key_value_metadata['pandas']) else: self._pdm = {} return self._pdm @property def categories(self): if self._categories is not None: return self._categories if self.has_pandas_metadata: metadata = self.pandas_metadata if "column_indexes" in metadata and len(metadata["column_indexes"]) > 0: self._columns_dtype = metadata["column_indexes"][0]["numpy_type"] else: self._columns_dtype = None cats = {} for m in metadata['columns']: if m['pandas_type'] != 'categorical': continue out = False if b"fastparquet" in self.created_by: # if pandas was categorical, we will have used dict encoding cats[m['name']] = m['metadata']['num_categories'] continue for rg in self.row_groups: # but others (pyarrow) may have used dict for only some pages if out: break for col in rg.columns: if ".".join(col.meta_data.path_in_schema) != m['name']: continue if col.meta_data.encoding_stats: if any(s.encoding not in [parquet_thrift.Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY, parquet_thrift.Encoding.RLE_DICTIONARY] for s in col.meta_data.encoding_stats if s.page_type in [parquet_thrift.PageType.DATA_PAGE_V2, parquet_thrift.PageType.DATA_PAGE]): out = True break if out is False: cats[m['name']] = m['metadata']['num_categories'] self._categories = cats return cats # old track vals = self.key_value_metadata.get("fastparquet.cats", None) if vals: self._categories = json_decoder()(vals) return self._categories else: return {} def _dtypes(self, categories=None): """ Implied types of the columns in the schema """ import pandas as pd if self._base_dtype is None: if self.has_pandas_metadata: md = self.pandas_metadata['columns'] md = {c['name']: c for c in md} tz = {k: v["metadata"]['timezone'] for k, v in md.items() if v.get('metadata', {}) and v.get('metadata', {}).get('timezone', None)} else: tz = None md = None = tz dtype = OrderedDict((name, (converted_types.typemap(f, md=md) if f.num_children in [None, 0] else np.dtype("O"))) for name, f in self.schema.root["children"].items() if getattr(f, 'isflat', False) is False) for i, (col, dt) in enumerate(dtype.copy().items()): # int and bool columns produce masked pandas types, no need to # promote types here if dt.kind == "M": if self.pandas_metadata and PANDAS_VERSION.major >= 2: # get original resolution when pandas supports non-ns dt = md[col]["numpy_type"] if tz is not None and tz.get(col, False): z = dataframe.tz_to_dt_tz(tz[col]) dt_series = pd.Series([], dtype=dt) if PANDAS_VERSION.major >= 2 and is not None: dt = dt_series.dt.tz_convert(z).dtype else: dt = dt_series.dt.tz_localize(z).dtype dtype[col] = dt elif dt in converted_types.nullable: if self.pandas_metadata: tt = md.get(col, {}).get("numpy_type") if tt and ("int" in tt or "bool" in tt): continue # uint/int/bool columns that may have nulls become nullable # skip is pandas_metadata gives original types num_nulls = 0 for rg in self.row_groups: if rg[3] == 0: continue st = rg[1][i][3].get(12) if st is None: num_nulls = True break if st.get(3): num_nulls = True break if num_nulls: if self.pandas_nulls: dtype[col] = converted_types.nullable[dt] else: dtype[col] = np.float64() elif dt == 'S12': dtype[col] = 'M8[ns]' self._base_dtype = dtype dtype = self._base_dtype.copy() categories = self.check_categories(categories) for field in categories: dtype[field] = 'category' for cat in self.cats: dtype[cat] = "category" self.dtypes = dtype return dtype def __getstate__(self): if self.fmd.row_groups is None: self.fmd.row_groups = [] return {"fn": self.fn, "open":, "fmd": self.fmd, "pandas_nulls": self.pandas_nulls, "_base_dtype": self._base_dtype, "tz":} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) # Decode 'file_path'. rgs = self.fmd[4] or [] # 4th condition should not be necessary, depends on 'deepcopy' version. # if (rgs and rgs[0][1] and rgs[0][1][0] and rgs[0][1][0].get(1) and isinstance(rgs[0][1][0].get(1), bytes)): # for rg in fmd.row_groups: for rg in rgs: # chunk = rg.columns[0] chunk = rg[1][0] # chunk.file_path = chunk.file_path.decode() chunk[1] = chunk.get(1).decode() self._set_attrs() def __str__(self): return "<Parquet File: %s>" % __repr__ = __str__
def _pre_allocate(size, columns, categories, index, cs, dt, tz=None, columns_dtype=None): index = [index] if isinstance(index, str) else (index or []) cols = [c for c in columns if c not in index] categories = categories or {} cats = cs.copy() if isinstance(categories, dict): cats.update(categories) def get_type(name, index=False): if name in categories: return 'category' t = dt[name] if index and isinstance(t, pd.core.arrays.masked.BaseMaskedDtype): return "int64" return t dtypes = [get_type(c) for c in cols] index_types = [get_type(i, index=True) for i in index] cols.extend(cs) dtypes.extend(['category'] * len(cs)) df, views = dataframe.empty(dtypes, size, cols=cols, index_names=index, index_types=index_types, cats=cats, timezones=tz, columns_dtype=columns_dtype) return df, views def paths_to_cats(paths, partition_meta=None): """ Extract categorical fields and labels from hive- or drill-style paths. Parameters ---------- paths (Iterable[str]): file paths relative to root file_scheme (str): partition_meta (Dict[str, dict]): Returns ------- cats (OrderedDict[str, List[Any]]): a dict of field names and their values """ if len(paths) == 0: return "empty", {} if all(p in [None, ""] for p in paths): return "simple", {} paths = _strip_path_tail(paths) parts = [path.split("/") for path in paths if path] lparts = [len(part) for part in parts] if not lparts or max(lparts) < 1: return "flat", {} if len(set(lparts)) > 1: return "other", {} try: return "hive", _path_to_cats(paths, parts, partition_meta=partition_meta) except ValueError: return "drill", _path_to_cats(paths, parts, "drill", partition_meta=partition_meta) def _path_to_cats(paths, parts, file_scheme="hive", partition_meta=None): partition_meta = partition_meta or {} cats = OrderedDict() s = ex_from_sep('/') string_types = set() meta = {"pandas_type": "string", "numpy_type": "object"} seen = set() for path, path_parts in zip(paths, parts): if file_scheme == "hive": hivehits = [p.split("=") for p in path.split("/") if "=" in p] # s.findall(path) if not hivehits: raise ValueError("Not a hive scheme") if file_scheme == "drill": hivehits = [(f"dir{i}", v) for i, v in enumerate(path_parts)] for key, val in hivehits: if (key, val) in seen: continue seen.add((key, val)) tp = val_to_num(val, meta if key in string_types else partition_meta.get(key)) if isinstance(tp, str): string_types.add(key) cats.setdefault(key, set()).add(tp) return OrderedDict([(key, list(v)) for key, v in cats.items()]) def filter_out_stats(rg, filters, schema): """ According to the filters, should this row-group be excluded Considers the statistics included in the metadata of this row-group Parameters ---------- rg: thrift RowGroup structure filters: list of 3-tuples Structure of each tuple: (column, op, value) where op is one of ['==', '=', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] and value is appropriate for the column in question Returns ------- True or False """ if rg.num_rows == 0: # always ignore empty row-groups, don't bother loading return True if len(filters) == 0: return False for column in rg.columns: vmax, vmin = None, None name = ".".join(column.meta_data.path_in_schema) app_filters = [f[1:] for f in filters if f[0] == name] for op, val in app_filters: se = schema.schema_element(name) if column.meta_data.statistics is not None: s = column.meta_data.statistics if s.null_count == column.meta_data.num_values: # skip row groups with no valid values return True # we cache the converted valuesin the stats object # TODO: keep this somewhere not in a thrift object? max = s.max or s.max_value if max is not None: if not hasattr(s, "converted_max"): b = ensure_bytes(max) vmax = encoding.read_plain( b, column.meta_data.type, 1, stat=True) if se.converted_type is not None or se.logicalType is not None: vmax = converted_types.convert(vmax, se) s["converted_max"] = vmax vmax = s["converted_max"] min = s.min or s.min_value if min is not None: if not hasattr(s, "converted_min"): b = ensure_bytes(min) vmin = encoding.read_plain( b, column.meta_data.type, 1, stat=True) if se.converted_type is not None or se.logicalType is not None: vmin = converted_types.convert(vmin, se) s["converted_min"] = vmin vmin = s["converted_min"] if filter_val(op, val, vmin, vmax): return True return False def statistics(obj): """ Return per-column statistics for a ParquetFile Parameters ---------- obj: ParquetFile Returns ------- dictionary mapping stats (min, max, distinct_count, null_count) to column names to lists of values. ``None``s used if no statistics found. Examples -------- >>> statistics(my_parquet_file) {'min': {'x': [1, 4], 'y': [5, 3]}, 'max': {'x': [2, 6], 'y': [8, 6]}, 'distinct_count': {'x': [None, None], 'y': [None, None]}, 'null_count': {'x': [0, 3], 'y': [0, 0]}} """ if isinstance(obj, ThriftObject) and obj.thrift_name == "ColumnChunk": md = obj.meta_data s = obj.meta_data.statistics rv = {} if not s: return rv if s.max is not None: try: if md.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY: rv['max'] = ensure_bytes(s.max) else: rv['max'] = encoding.read_plain(ensure_bytes(s.max), md.type, 1, stat=True)[0] except: rv['max'] = None elif s.max_value is not None: try: if md.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY: rv['max'] = ensure_bytes(s.max_value) else: rv['max'] = encoding.read_plain(ensure_bytes(s.max_value), md.type, 1, stat=True)[0] except: rv['max'] = None if s.min is not None: try: if md.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY: rv['min'] = ensure_bytes(s.min) else: rv['min'] = encoding.read_plain(ensure_bytes(s.min), md.type, 1, stat=True)[0] except: rv['min'] = None elif s.min_value is not None: try: if md.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY: rv['min'] = ensure_bytes(s.min_value) else: rv['min'] = encoding.read_plain(ensure_bytes(s.min_value), md.type, 1, stat=True)[0] except: rv['min'] = None if s.null_count is not None: rv['null_count'] = s.null_count if s.distinct_count is not None: rv['distinct_count'] = s.distinct_count return rv if isinstance(obj, ThriftObject) and obj.thrift_name == "RowGroup": return {'.'.join(c.meta_data.path_in_schema): statistics(c) for c in obj.columns} if isinstance(obj, ParquetFile): L = list(map(statistics, obj.row_groups)) d = {n: {col: [item.get(col, {}).get(n, None) for item in L] for col in obj.columns} for n in ['min', 'max', 'null_count', 'distinct_count']} if not L: return d schema = obj.schema for col in obj.row_groups[0].columns: column = '.'.join(col.meta_data.path_in_schema) se = schema.schema_element(col.meta_data.path_in_schema) if (se.converted_type is not None or se.logicalType is not None or se.type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT96): dtype = 'S12' if se.type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT96 else None for name in ['min', 'max']: try: d[name][column] = ( [None] if d[name][column] is None or None in d[name][column] else list(converted_types.convert( np.array(d[name][column], dtype), se)) ) except (KeyError, ValueError): # catch no stat and bad conversions d[name][column] = [None] return d def sorted_partitioned_columns(pf, filters=None): """ The columns that are known to be sorted partition-by-partition They may not be sorted within each partition, but all elements in one row group are strictly greater than all elements in previous row groups. Examples -------- >>> sorted_partitioned_columns(pf) {'id': {'min': [1, 5, 10], 'max': [4, 9, 20]}} Returns ------- A set of column names See Also -------- statistics """ s = statistics(pf) if filters: rg_idx_list = filter_row_groups(pf, filters, as_idx=True) for stat in s.keys(): for col in s[stat].keys(): s[stat][col] = [s[stat][col][i] for i in rg_idx_list] columns = pf.columns out = dict() for c in columns: min, max = s['min'][c], s['max'][c] if any(x is None for x in min + max): continue try: if (min and sorted(min) == min and sorted(max) == max and all(mx < mn for mx, mn in zip(max[:-1], min[1:]))): out[c] = {'min': min, 'max': max} except TypeError: # because some types, e.g., dicts cannot be sorted/compared continue return out def filter_row_groups(pf, filters, as_idx: bool = False): """ Select row groups using set of filters. Parameters ---------- pf: ParquetFile `ParquetFile` object. filters: list of list of tuples To filter out some of the row-groups. Filter syntax: [[(column, op, val), ...],...] where op is [==, >, >=, <, <=, !=, in, not in] The innermost tuples are transposed into a set of filters applied through an `AND` operation. The outer list combines these sets of filters through an `OR` operation. A single list of tuples can also be used, meaning that no `OR` operation between set of filters is to be conducted. as_idx: bool, False If `False`, returns a row group list, if `True`, returns row group index list. Returns ------- Filtered list of row groups (or row group indexes) """ filters = filters or [[]] # If 2nd level is already a column name, then transform # `filters` into a list (OR condition) of list (AND condition) # of filters (tuple or list with 1st component being a column # name). if filters[0] and isinstance(filters[0][0], str): filters = [filters] # Retrieve all column names onto which are applied filters, and check they # are existing columns of the dataset. as_cols = pf.columns + list(pf.cats.keys()) known = [ands[0] in as_cols for ors in filters for ands in ors] if not all(known): falses = [i for i, x in enumerate(known) if not x] cols_in_filter = [ands[0] for ors in filters for ands in ors] wrong_cols = {cols_in_filter[i] for i in falses} raise ValueError('No filter can be applied on nonexistent column(s) \ {!s}.'.format(wrong_cols)) if as_idx: return [i for i, rg in enumerate(pf.row_groups) if any([ not(filter_out_stats(rg, and_filters, pf.schema)) and not(filter_out_cats(rg, and_filters, pf.partition_meta)) for and_filters in filters])] else: return [rg for rg in pf.row_groups if any([ not(filter_out_stats(rg, and_filters, pf.schema)) and not(filter_out_cats(rg, and_filters, pf.partition_meta)) for and_filters in filters])] def filter_out_cats(rg, filters, partition_meta={}): """ According to the filters, should this row-group be excluded Considers the partitioning category applicable to this row-group Parameters ---------- rg: thrift RowGroup structure filters: list of 3-tuples Structure of each tuple: (column, op, value) where op is one of ['==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] and value is appropriate for the column in question Returns ------- True or False """ if len(filters) == 0 or rg.columns[0].file_path is None: return False s = ex_from_sep('/') partitions = s.findall(rg.columns[0].file_path) pairs = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in partitions] for cat, v in pairs: app_filters = [f[1:] for f in filters if f[0] == cat] for op, val in app_filters: if isinstance(val, str) or (isinstance(val, (tuple, list)) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)): v0 = v else: v0 = val_to_num(v) if cat in partition_meta: val = val_to_num(val, meta=partition_meta.get(cat)) v0 = val_to_num(v0, meta=partition_meta.get(cat)) if filter_val(op, val, v0, v0): return True return False def filter_val(op, val, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Perform value comparison for filtering op: ['==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'in', 'not in'] val: appropriate value vmin, vmax: the range to compare within Returns ------- True or False """ vmin = _handle_np_array(vmin) vmax = _handle_np_array(vmax) if op == 'in': return filter_in(val, vmin, vmax) if op == 'not in': return filter_not_in(val, vmin, vmax) if vmax is not None: if op in ['==', '>=', '='] and val > vmax: return True if op == '>' and val >= vmax: return True if vmin is not None: if op in ['==', '<=', '='] and val < vmin: return True if op == '<' and val <= vmin: return True if (op == '!=' and vmax is not None and vmin is not None and vmax == vmin and val == vmax): return True # keep this row_group return False def _handle_np_array(v): if v is not None and isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = v[0] return v def filter_in(values, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Handles 'in' filters op: ['in', 'not in'] values: iterable of values vmin, vmax: the range to compare within Returns ------- True or False """ if len(values) == 0: return True if vmax == vmin and vmax is not None and vmax not in values: return True if vmin is None and vmax is None: return False sorted_values = sorted(values) if vmin is None and vmax is not None: return sorted_values[0] > vmax elif vmax is None and vmin is not None: return sorted_values[-1] < vmin vmin_insert = np.searchsorted(sorted_values, vmin, side='left') vmax_insert = np.searchsorted(sorted_values, vmax, side='right') # if the indexes are equal, then there are no values within the range return vmin_insert == vmax_insert def filter_not_in(values, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Handles 'not in' filters op: ['in', 'not in'] values: iterable of values vmin, vmax: the range to compare within Returns ------- True or False """ if len(values) == 0: return False if vmax is not None and vmax in values: return True elif vmin is not None and vmin in values: return True else: return False def row_groups_map(rgs: list) -> dict: """ Returns row group lists sorted by parquet files. Parameters ---------- rgs: list List of row groups. Returns ------- dict Per parquet file, list of row group stored in said file. """ files_rgs = defaultdict(lambda: []) for rg in rgs: file = rg.columns[0].file_path files_rgs[file].append(rg) return files_rgs def partitions(row_group, only_values=False) -> str: """Returns partition values as string. Values of partitions are separated with '/'. Parameters ---------- row_group : obj or str Row group object or row group `file_path` as given by `rg.columns[0].file_path`. only_values: bool, default False If False, only values of partitions are returned; If True, names and values of partitions are returned (faster). Returns ------- str Partitions values. """ f_path = (row_group if isinstance(row_group, str) else row_group.columns[0].file_path) if '/' in f_path: return ('/'.join(re.split('/|=', f_path)[1::2]) if only_values else f_path.rsplit('/',1)[0]) def part_ids(row_groups) -> dict: """Return ids of parquet part files. Find the integer matching "**part.*.parquet" in referenced paths and returns them as keys of a dict. Values of the dict are tuples `(row_group_id, part_name)`. In case of files with multiple row groups, the position (index in row group list) of the 1st group only is kept. """ max_rgidx = len(row_groups)-1 paths = [rg.columns[0].file_path for rg in row_groups] matches = [(PART_ID.match(path), path) for path in paths] return {int(pid_path[0]['i']): (max_rgidx-i, pid_path[1]) for i, pid_path in enumerate(reversed(matches))}