import ast
from copy import copy
import itertools
import json
import os
import struct
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.arrays.masked import BaseMaskedDtype
from fastparquet.util import join_path
from fastparquet import parquet_thrift, __version__, cencoding
from fastparquet.api import ParquetFile, partitions, part_ids
from fastparquet.compression import compress_data
from fastparquet.converted_types import tobson
from fastparquet.json import json_encoder
from fastparquet.util import (default_open, default_mkdirs, check_column_names,
created_by, get_column_metadata,
norm_col_name, path_string, reset_row_idx, get_fs,
from fastparquet.speedups import array_encode_utf8, pack_byte_array
from fastparquet.cencoding import NumpyIO, ThriftObject, from_buffer
from decimal import Decimal
ROW_GROUP_SIZE = 50_000_000
NaT = np.timedelta64(None).tobytes() # require numpy version >= 1.7
nat = np.datetime64('NaT').view('int64')
typemap = { # primitive type, converted type, bit width
'boolean': (parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN, None, 1),
'Int32': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, None, 32),
'Int64': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT64, None, 64),
'Int8': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.INT_8, 8),
'Int16': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.INT_16, 16),
'UInt8': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_8, 8),
'UInt16': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_16, 16),
'UInt32': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_32, 32),
'UInt64': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT64, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_64, 64),
'bool': (parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN, None, 1),
'int32': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, None, 32),
'int64': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT64, None, 64),
'int8': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.INT_8, 8),
'int16': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.INT_16, 16),
'uint8': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_8, 8),
'uint16': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_16, 16),
'uint32': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_32, 32),
'uint64': (parquet_thrift.Type.INT64, parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UINT_64, 64),
'float32': (parquet_thrift.Type.FLOAT, None, 32),
'float64': (parquet_thrift.Type.DOUBLE, None, 64),
'float16': (parquet_thrift.Type.FLOAT, None, 16),
'Float32': (parquet_thrift.Type.FLOAT, None, 32),
'Float64': (parquet_thrift.Type.DOUBLE, None, 64),
'Float16': (parquet_thrift.Type.FLOAT, None, 16),
revmap = {parquet_thrift.Type.INT32: np.int32,
parquet_thrift.Type.INT64: np.int64,
parquet_thrift.Type.FLOAT: np.float32,
parquet_thrift.Type.DOUBLE: np.float64}
pdoptional_to_numpy_typemap = {
pd.Int8Dtype(): np.int8,
pd.Int16Dtype(): np.int16,
pd.Int32Dtype(): np.int32,
pd.Int64Dtype(): np.int64,
pd.UInt8Dtype(): np.uint8,
pd.UInt16Dtype(): np.uint16,
pd.UInt32Dtype(): np.uint32,
pd.UInt64Dtype(): np.uint64,
pd.BooleanDtype(): bool
def find_type(data, fixed_text=None, object_encoding=None, times='int64',
""" Get appropriate typecodes for column dtype
Data conversion do not happen here, see convert().
The user is expected to transform their data into the appropriate dtype
before saving to parquet, we will not make any assumptions for them.
Known types that cannot be represented (must be first converted another
type or to raw binary): float128, complex
data: pd.Series
fixed_text: int or None
For str and bytes, the fixed-string length to use. If None, object
column will remain variable length.
object_encoding: None or infer|bytes|utf8|json|bson|bool|int|int32|float
How to encode object type into bytes. If None, bytes is assumed;
if 'infer', type is guessed from 10 first non-null values.
times: 'int64'|'int96'
Normal integers or 12-byte encoding for timestamps.
is_index: bool, optional
Set `True` if column storing a row index, `False` otherwise. Required
if column name is a tuple (when dataframe managed has a column
multi-index). In this case, with this flag set `True`, name of columns
used to store a row index are reset from tuple to simple string.
- a thrift schema element
- a thrift typecode to be passed to the column chunk writer
- converted data (None if convert is False)
dtype = data.dtype
logical_type = None
if in typemap:
type, converted_type, width = typemap[]
elif "S" in str(dtype)[:2] or "U" in str(dtype)[:2]:
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY,
None, dtype.itemsize)
elif dtype == "O":
if object_encoding == 'infer':
object_encoding = infer_object_encoding(data)
if object_encoding == 'utf8':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY,
elif object_encoding in ['bytes', None]:
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY, None,
elif object_encoding == 'json':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY,
elif object_encoding == 'bson':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY,
elif object_encoding == 'bool':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN, None,
elif object_encoding == 'int':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.INT64, None,
elif object_encoding == 'int32':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.INT32, None,
elif object_encoding == 'float':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.DOUBLE, None,
elif object_encoding == 'decimal':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.DOUBLE, None,
raise ValueError('Object encoding (%s) not one of '
'infer|utf8|bytes|json|bson|bool|int|int32|float|decimal' %
if fixed_text:
width = fixed_text
type = parquet_thrift.Type.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY
elif dtype.kind == "M":
if times == 'int64':
# output will have the same resolution as original data, for resolution <= ms
tz = getattr(dtype, "tz", None) is not None
if "ns" in dtype.str:
type = parquet_thrift.Type.INT64
converted_type = None
logical_type = parquet_thrift.LogicalType(
width = None
elif "us" in dtype.str:
type, converted_type, width = (
parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.TIMESTAMP_MICROS, None
logical_type = ThriftObject.from_fields(
unit=ThriftObject.from_fields("TimeUnit", MICROS={})
type, converted_type, width = (
parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS, None
logical_type = ThriftObject.from_fields(
unit=ThriftObject.from_fields("TimeUnit", MILLIS={})
elif times == 'int96':
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.INT96, None,
raise ValueError(
"Parameter times must be [int64|int96], not %s" % times)
# warning removed as irrelevant for most users
# if hasattr(dtype, 'tz') and str( != 'UTC':
# warnings.warn(
# 'Coercing datetimes to UTC before writing the parquet file, the timezone is stored in the metadata. '
# 'Reading back with fastparquet/pyarrow will restore the timezone properly.'
# )
elif dtype.kind == "m":
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.INT64,
parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.TIME_MICROS, None)
elif "string" in str(dtype):
type, converted_type, width = (parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY,
raise ValueError("Don't know how to convert data type: %s" % dtype)
se = parquet_thrift.SchemaElement(
name=norm_col_name(, is_index), type_length=width,
converted_type=converted_type, type=type,
return se, type
def convert(data, se):
"""Convert data according to the schema encoding"""
dtype = data.dtype
type = se.type
converted_type = se.converted_type
if in typemap:
if type in revmap:
out = data.values.astype(revmap[type], copy=False)
elif type == parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN:
# TODO: with our own bitpack writer, no need to copy for
# the padding
padded = np.pad(data.values, (0, 8 - (len(data) % 8)),
'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
out = np.packbits(padded.reshape(-1, 8)[:, ::-1].ravel())
elif in typemap:
out = data.values
elif "S" in str(dtype)[:2] or "U" in str(dtype)[:2]:
out = data.values
elif dtype == "O":
# TODO: nullable types
if converted_type == parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UTF8:
# getattr for new pandas StringArray
# TODO: to bytes in one step
out = array_encode_utf8(data)
elif converted_type == parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.DECIMAL:
out = data.values.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
elif converted_type is None:
if type in revmap:
out = data.values.astype(revmap[type], copy=False)
elif type == parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN:
# TODO: with our own bitpack writer, no need to copy for
# the padding
padded = np.pad(data.values, (0, 8 - (len(data) % 8)),
'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
out = np.packbits(padded.reshape(-1, 8)[:, ::-1].ravel())
out = data.values
elif converted_type == parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.JSON:
encoder = json_encoder()
# TODO: avoid list. np.fromiter can be used with numpy >= 1.23.0,
# but older versions don't support object arrays.
out = np.array([encoder(x) for x in data], dtype="O")
elif converted_type == parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.BSON:
out =
if type == parquet_thrift.Type.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY:
out = out.astype('S%i' % se.type_length)
except Exception as e:
ct = parquet_thrift.ConvertedType._VALUES_TO_NAMES[
converted_type] if converted_type is not None else None
raise ValueError('Error converting column "%s" to bytes using '
'encoding %s. Original error: '
'%s' % (, ct, e))
elif str(dtype) == "string":
if converted_type == parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.UTF8:
# TODO: into bytes in one step
out = array_encode_utf8(data)
elif converted_type is None:
out = data.values
if type == parquet_thrift.Type.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY:
out = out.astype('S%i' % se.type_length)
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
ct = parquet_thrift.ConvertedType._VALUES_TO_NAMES[
converted_type] if converted_type is not None else None
raise ValueError('Error converting column "%s" to bytes using '
'encoding %s. Original error: '
'%s' % (, ct, e))
elif converted_type == parquet_thrift.ConvertedType.TIME_MICROS:
# TODO: shift inplace
if data.dtype == "m8[ns]":
out = np.empty(len(data), 'int64')
time_shift(data.values.view('int64'), out)
# assuming ms or us
out = data.values
elif type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT96 and dtype.kind == 'M':
ns_per_day = (24 * 3600 * 1000000000)
day = data.values.view('int64') // ns_per_day + 2440588
ns = (data.values.view('int64') % ns_per_day) # - ns_per_day // 2
out = np.empty(len(data), dtype=[('ns', 'i8'), ('day', 'i4')])
out['ns'] = ns
out['day'] = day
elif dtype.kind == "M":
out = data.values.view("int64")
raise ValueError("Don't know how to convert data type: %s" % dtype)
return out
def infer_object_encoding(data):
"""Guess object type from first 10 non-na values by iteration"""
if data.empty:
return "utf8"
t = None
s = 0
encs = {
str: "utf8",
bytes: "bytes",
list: "json",
dict: "json",
bool: "bool",
Decimal: "decimal",
int: "int",
float: "float",
np.floating: "float",
np.str_: "utf8"
for i in data:
if i is None or i is pd.NA or i is pd.NaT or i is np.nan or pd.isna(i):
except (ValueError, TypeError):
tt = type(i)
if tt in encs:
tt = encs[tt]
if t is None:
t = tt
elif t != tt:
raise ValueError("Can't infer object conversion type: %s" % data)
s += 1
raise ValueError("Can't infer object conversion type: %s" % data)
if s > 10:
return t
def time_shift(indata, outdata, factor=1000):
outdata.view("int64")[:] = np.where(
indata.view('int64') == nat,
indata.view('int64') // factor
def encode_plain(data, se):
"""PLAIN encoding; returns byte representation"""
out = convert(data, se)
if se.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY:
return pack_byte_array(list(out))
return out.tobytes()
def encode_dict(data, _):
""" The data part of dictionary encoding is always int8/16, with RLE/bitpack
width = data.values.dtype.itemsize * 8
buf = np.empty(10, dtype=np.uint8)
o = NumpyIO(buf)
bit_packed_count = (len(data) + 7) // 8
cencoding.encode_unsigned_varint(bit_packed_count << 1 | 1, o) # write run header
# TODO: `bytes`, `tobytes` makes copy, and adding bytes also makes copy
return bytes(o.so_far()) + data.values.tobytes()
encode = {
'PLAIN': encode_plain,
'RLE_DICTIONARY': encode_dict,
def make_definitions(data, no_nulls, datapage_version=1):
"""For data that can contain NULLs, produce definition levels binary
data: either bitpacked bools, or (if number of nulls == 0), single RLE
buf = np.empty(10, dtype=np.uint8)
temp = NumpyIO(buf)
if no_nulls:
# no nulls at all
l = len(data)
cencoding.encode_unsigned_varint(l << 1, temp)
if datapage_version == 1:
# TODO: adding bytes causes copy
block = struct.pack('<I', temp.tell()) + temp.so_far()
block = bytes(temp.so_far())
out = data
se = parquet_thrift.SchemaElement(type=parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN)
dnn = data.notnull()
out = encode_plain(dnn, se)
cencoding.encode_unsigned_varint(len(out) << 1 | 1, temp)
head = temp.so_far()
# TODO: adding bytes causes copy
if datapage_version == 1:
block = struct.pack('<I', len(head) + len(out)) + head + out
# no need to write length, it's in the header
# head.write(out)?
block = bytes(head) + out
out = data[dnn]
return block, out
DATAPAGE_VERSION = 2 if os.environ.get("FASTPARQUET_DATAPAGE_V2", False) else 1
MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 500 * 2**20
def _rows_per_page(data, selement, has_nulls=True, page_size=None):
page_size = page_size or MAX_PAGE_SIZE
if isinstance(data.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
bytes_per_element =
elif selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN:
bytes_per_element = 0.125
elif selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT64:
bytes_per_element = 8
elif selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT32:
bytes_per_element = 4
elif isinstance(data.dtype, BaseMaskedDtype) and data.dtype in pdoptional_to_numpy_typemap:
bytes_per_element = np.dtype(pdoptional_to_numpy_typemap[data.dtype]).itemsize
elif data.dtype == "object" or str(data.dtype) == "string":
dd = data.iloc[:1000]
d2 = dd[dd.notnull()]
sample = d2.str.len()
chrs = sample.sum()
bytes_per_element = chrs / (len(sample) or 4) + 4
except AttributeError:
# could not apply str to this type of object
# this estimate is probably grossly wrong
bytes_per_element = (dd.memory_usage(index=False, deep=True) / (len(dd) or 1)) or 16
bytes_per_element = data.dtype.itemsize
return int(page_size // (bytes_per_element + 0.125 * has_nulls))
def write_column(f, data0, selement, compression=None, datapage_version=None,
Write a single column of data to an open Parquet file
f: open binary file
data0: pandas Series
selement: thrift SchemaElement
produced by ``find_type``
compression: str, dict, or None
if ``str``, must be one of the keys in ``compression.compress``
if ``dict``, must have key ``"type"`` which specifies the compression
type to use, which must be one of the keys in ``compression.compress``,
and may optionally have key ``"args`` which should be a dictionary of
options to pass to the underlying compression engine.
datapage_version: None or int
Uses data-page version 1. If 2, uses v2. If None (default), given by values
of global DATAPAGE_VERSION (set by environment variable FASTPARQUET_DATAPAGE_V2
at import time).
stats: bool
Whether to calculate and write summary statistics
chunk: ColumnChunk structure
datapage_version = datapage_version or DATAPAGE_VERSION
has_nulls = selement.repetition_type == parquet_thrift.FieldRepetitionType.OPTIONAL
tot_rows = len(data0)
encoding = "PLAIN"
first_page = True
cats = False
name =
diff = 0
max, min = None, None
column_chunk_start = f.tell()
rows_per_page = _rows_per_page(data0, selement, has_nulls)
row_offsets = list(range(0, len(data0), rows_per_page)) + [len(data0)]
global_num_nulls = 0
dict_page_offset = None
data_page_offset = column_chunk_start
# column global stats
if isinstance(data0.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype) and stats:
dnnu = data0.unique().as_ordered()
max, min = dnnu.max(), dnnu.min()
if pd.isna(max):
stats = False
if selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY:
if selement.converted_type is not None:
max = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([max]), selement)[4:]
min = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([min]), selement)[4:]
max = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([max]), selement)
min = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([min]), selement)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
stats = False
elif stats:
max, min = data0.max(), data0.min()
if pd.isna(max):
stats = False
if selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BYTE_ARRAY:
if selement.converted_type is not None:
# max = max.encode("utf8") ?
max = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([max], name=name), selement)[4:]
min = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([min], name=name), selement)[4:]
max = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([max], name=name, dtype=data0.dtype), selement)
min = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series([min], name=name, dtype=data0.dtype), selement)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
stats = False
for row_start, row_end in zip(row_offsets[:-1], row_offsets[1:]):
data = data0.iloc[row_start:row_end]
if has_nulls:
if isinstance(data.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
num_nulls = ( == -1).sum()
num_nulls = len(data) - data.count()
definition_data, data = make_definitions(data, num_nulls == 0, datapage_version=datapage_version)
# make_definitions returns `data` with all nulls dropped
# the null-stripped `data` can be converted from Optional Types to
# their numpy counterparts
if isinstance(data.dtype, BaseMaskedDtype) and data.dtype in pdoptional_to_numpy_typemap:
data = data.astype(pdoptional_to_numpy_typemap[data.dtype], copy=False)
if data.dtype.kind == "O" and not isinstance(data.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
if selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT64:
data = data.astype("int64", copy=False)
elif selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.INT32:
data = data.astype("int32", copy=False)
elif selement.type == parquet_thrift.Type.BOOLEAN:
data = data.astype(bool, copy=False)
except ValueError as e:
t = parquet_thrift.Type._VALUES_TO_NAMES[selement.type]
raise ValueError('Error converting column "%s" to primitive '
'type %s. Original error: '
'%s' % (, t, e))
definition_data = b""
num_nulls = 0
num_nulls = int(num_nulls)
global_num_nulls += num_nulls
# No nested field handling (encode those as J/BSON)
repetition_data = b""
if isinstance(data.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
if first_page:
# make "index page"
dict_page_offset = column_chunk_start
dph = parquet_thrift.DictionaryPageHeader(
bdata = encode['PLAIN'](pd.Series(, selement)
l0 = len(bdata)
if compression and compression.upper() != "UNCOMPRESSED":
bdata = compress_data(bdata, compression)
l1 = len(bdata)
l1 = l0
diff += l0 - l1
ph = parquet_thrift.PageHeader(
dictionary_page_header=dph, crc=None, i32=1)
write_thrift(f, ph)
data_page_offset = f.tell()
ncats = len(
dcat =
cats = True
encoding = "RLE_DICTIONARY"
data =
if str(data0.dtype) in ['int8', 'int16', 'uint8', 'uint16']:
# PLAIN encoding must be upcast to parquet primitive
data = data.astype('int32')
if datapage_version == 1:
bdata = b"".join([
repetition_data, definition_data, encode[encoding](data, selement), 8 * b'\x00'
dph = parquet_thrift.DataPageHeader(
num_values=check_32(row_end - row_start),
encoding=getattr(parquet_thrift.Encoding, encoding),
l0 = len(bdata)
if compression:
bdata = compress_data(bdata, compression)
l1 = len(bdata)
l1 = l0
diff += l0 - l1
ph = parquet_thrift.PageHeader(type=parquet_thrift.PageType.DATA_PAGE,
data_page_header=dph, i32=1)
write_thrift(f, ph)
elif datapage_version == 2:
is_compressed = isinstance(compression, dict) or (
compression is not None and compression.upper() != "UNCOMPRESSED")
dph = parquet_thrift.DataPageHeaderV2(
num_values=check_32(row_end - row_start),
num_rows=check_32(row_end - row_start),
encoding=getattr(parquet_thrift.Encoding, encoding),
repetition_levels_byte_length=0, # len(repetition_data),
bdata = encode[encoding](data, selement)
lb = len(bdata)
if is_compressed:
bdata = compress_data(bdata, compression)
diff += lb - len(bdata)
diff += 0
ph = parquet_thrift.PageHeader(
uncompressed_page_size=check_32(lb + len(definition_data)),
compressed_page_size=check_32(len(bdata) + len(definition_data)),
data_page_header_v2=dph, i32=1)
write_thrift(f, ph)
# f.write(repetition_data) # no-op
first_page = False
compressed_size = f.tell() - column_chunk_start
uncompressed_size = compressed_size + diff
# encoding stats for thrift metadata
if cats:
p = [
encoding=parquet_thrift.Encoding.PLAIN, count=1, i32=1),
count=len(row_offsets) - 1, i32=1),
encodings = [parquet_thrift.Encoding.PLAIN,
p = [parquet_thrift.PageEncodingStats(
count=len(row_offsets) - 1, i32=1)]
encodings = [parquet_thrift.Encoding.PLAIN]
if isinstance(compression, dict):
algorithm = compression.get("type", None)
algorithm = compression
# output thrift metadata
if stats:
s = parquet_thrift.Statistics(max=max, min=min, null_count=global_num_nulls)
s = parquet_thrift.Statistics(null_count=global_num_nulls)
kvm = []
if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
name = str(tuple(name))
cmd = ThriftObject.from_fields(
type=selement.type, path_in_schema=[name],
codec=(getattr(parquet_thrift.CompressionCodec, algorithm.upper())
if algorithm else 0),
i32list=[1, 4]
if cats:
parquet_thrift.KeyValue(key='num_categories', value=str(ncats)))
parquet_thrift.KeyValue(key='numpy_dtype', value=str(data.dtype)))
parquet_thrift.KeyValue(key='label_dtype', value=str(dcat)))
chunk = parquet_thrift.ColumnChunk(file_offset=column_chunk_start,
return chunk
class DataFrameSizeWarning(UserWarning):
def make_row_group(f, data, schema, compression=None, stats=True):
""" Make a single row group of a Parquet file """
rows = len(data)
if rows == 0:
if isinstance(data.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
if any(not isinstance(c, (bytes, str)) for c in itertools.chain(*data.columns.values)):
raise ValueError('Column names must be multi-index, str or bytes:',
{c: type(c) for c in data.columns
if not isinstance(c, (bytes, str))})
if any(not isinstance(c, (bytes, str)) for c in data):
raise ValueError('Column names must be multi-index, str or bytes:',
{c: type(c) for c in data.columns
if not isinstance(c, (bytes, str))})
cols = []
for column in schema:
if column.type is not None:
if isinstance(compression, dict):
comp = compression.get(, None)
if comp is None:
comp = compression.get('_default', None)
comp = compression
if isinstance(data.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
name = ast.literal_eval(
except ValueError:
name =
coldata = data[name]
coldata = data[]
if isinstance(stats, int):
st = stats
elif stats == "auto":
st = coldata.dtype.kind in ["i", "u", "f", "M"]
st = in stats
chunk = write_column(f, coldata, column,
compression=comp, stats=st)
rg = ThriftObject.from_fields(
"RowGroup", num_rows=rows, columns=cols,
total_byte_size=sum([c.meta_data.total_uncompressed_size for c in cols]))
return rg
def make_part_file(f, data, schema, compression=None, fmd=None,
if len(data) == 0:
with f as f:
rg = make_row_group(f, data, schema, compression=compression,
if fmd is None:
fmd = parquet_thrift.FileMetaData(num_rows=rg.num_rows,
foot_size = write_thrift(f, fmd)
f.write(struct.pack(b"<I", foot_size))
fmd = copy(fmd)
fmd.row_groups = [rg]
fmd.num_rows = rg.num_rows
foot_size = write_thrift(f, fmd)
f.write(struct.pack(b"<I", foot_size))
return rg
def make_metadata(data, has_nulls=True, ignore_columns=None, fixed_text=None,
object_encoding=None, times='int64', index_cols=None, partition_cols=None,
if ignore_columns is None:
ignore_columns = []
if index_cols is None:
index_cols = []
if partition_cols is None:
partition_cols = []
if not data.columns.is_unique:
raise ValueError('Cannot create parquet dataset with duplicate'
' column names (%s)' % data.columns)
index_cols_orig = None
if isinstance(data.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
if isinstance(index_cols, list) and index_cols != []:
index_cols_orig = copy(index_cols)
# TODO: for loop required to manage row multi-index.
name = index_cols[0][0]
index_cols = [{'field_name': name,
'metadata': None,
'name': name,
'numpy_type': 'object',
'pandas_type': 'mixed-integer'}]
ci = [
get_column_metadata(ser, n)
for ser, n
in zip(data.columns.levels, data.columns.names)
ci = [{'name':,
'pandas_type': 'mixed-integer',
'numpy_type': str(cols_dtype),
'metadata': None}]
if not isinstance(index_cols, list):
start = index_cols.start
stop = index_cols.stop
step = index_cols.step
index_cols = [{'name':,
'start': start,
'stop': stop,
'step': step,
'kind': 'range'}]
pandas_metadata = {'index_columns': index_cols,
'partition_columns': [],
'columns': [],
'column_indexes': ci,
'creator': {'library': 'fastparquet',
'version': __version__},
'pandas_version': pd.__version__}
root = parquet_thrift.SchemaElement(name=b'schema',
meta = parquet_thrift.KeyValue(key=b"pandas", value=None)
fmd = ThriftObject.from_fields("FileMetaData", num_rows=len(data),
object_encoding = object_encoding or {}
for column in partition_cols:
pandas_metadata['partition_columns'].append(get_column_metadata(data[column], column))
schema = [root]
for column in data.columns:
if column in ignore_columns:
oencoding = (object_encoding if isinstance(object_encoding, str)
else object_encoding.get(column, None))
get_column_metadata(data[column], column, object_dtype=oencoding))
fixed = None if fixed_text is None else fixed_text.get(column, None)
is_index = (column in index_cols_orig) if index_cols_orig else None
if isinstance(data[column].dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
se, type = find_type(data[column].cat.categories, fixed_text=fixed,
object_encoding=oencoding, is_index=is_index) = column
se, type = find_type(data[column], fixed_text=fixed,
object_encoding=oencoding, times=times,
col_has_nulls = has_nulls
if has_nulls is None:
se.repetition_type = data[column].dtype == "O"
elif has_nulls is not True and has_nulls is not False:
col_has_nulls = column in has_nulls
if col_has_nulls:
se.repetition_type = parquet_thrift.FieldRepetitionType.OPTIONAL
root[5] += 1
fmd.schema = schema
meta.value = json.dumps(pandas_metadata, sort_keys=True).encode()
return fmd
def write_simple(fn, data, fmd, row_group_offsets=None, compression=None,
open_with=default_open, has_nulls=None, append=False,
Write to one single file (for file_scheme='simple')
fn: string
Parquet collection to write to, gathered a single file.
data: pandas dataframe or iterable of pandas dataframe.
The table to write. Index of the dataframe is not written.
If an iterable of dataframe, each one is written as a row group.
fmd: thrift object
Parquet file metadata.
row_group_offsets: int or list of ints,
If int, row-groups will be approximately this many rows, rounded down
to make row groups about the same size;
If a list, the explicit index values to start new row groups;
If `None`, set to 50_000_000.
Compression to apply to each column, e.g. ``GZIP`` or ``SNAPPY`` or a
``dict`` like ``{"col1": "SNAPPY", "col2": None}`` to specify per
column compression types.
open_with: function
When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object.
append: bool (False)
If False, construct data-set from scratch; if True, add new row-group(s)
to existing data-set. In the latter case, the data-set must exist,
and the schema must match the input data.
stats: True|False|list(str)
Whether to calculate and write summary statistics.
If True (default), do it for every column;
if False, never do; and if a list of str, do it only for those
specified columns.
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
data = iter_dataframe(data, row_group_offsets)
mode = 'rb+' if append else 'wb'
def write_to_file(f):
if append:, 2)
head_size = struct.unpack('<I',[0], 2)
rgs = fmd.row_groups
for i, row_group in enumerate(data):
rg = make_row_group(f, row_group, fmd.schema,
compression=compression, stats=stats)
if rg is not None:
fmd.row_groups = rgs
fmd.num_rows = sum(rg.num_rows for rg in rgs)
foot_size = write_thrift(f, fmd)
f.write(struct.pack(b"<I", foot_size))
if hasattr(fn, "write"):
of = open_with(fn, mode)
with of as f:
def write_multi(dn, data, fmd, row_group_offsets=None, compression=None,
file_scheme='hive', write_fmd=True, open_with=default_open,
mkdirs=None, partition_on=[], append=False, stats=True):
"""Write to separate parquet files.
Write data following `file_scheme='hive'`, `'drill'` or `'flat'`.
dn: string
Directory path containing the parquet collection to write to.
data: pandas dataframe or iterable of pandas dataframe.
The table to write. Index of the dataframe is not written.
If an iterable of dataframe, each one is written as a row group.
fmd: thrift object
Parquet file metadata. `fmd` is modified inplace.
row_group_offsets: int or list of ints,
If int, row-groups will be approximately this many rows, rounded down
to make row groups about the same size;
If a list, the explicit index values to start new row groups;
If `None`, set to 50_000_000.
Compression to apply to each column, e.g. ``GZIP`` or ``SNAPPY`` or a
``dict`` like ``{"col1": "SNAPPY", "col2": None}`` to specify per
column compression types.
By default, do not compress.
Please, review full description of this parameter in `write` docstring.
file_scheme: 'hive'|'drill', default 'hive'
If hive or drill: each row group is in a separate file, and a separate
file (called "_metadata") contains the metadata.
write_fmd: bool, default True
Write updated common metadata to disk.
open_with: function
When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object.
mkdirs: function
When called with a path/URL, creates any necessary dictionaries to
make that location writable, e.g., ``os.makedirs``. This is not
necessary if using the simple file scheme.
If not provided, set to 'default_mkdirs'.
partition_on: list of column names
Passed to groupby in order to split data within each row-group,
producing a structured directory tree. Note: as with pandas, null
values will be dropped. Ignored if `file_scheme` is simple.
append: bool, default False
If False, construct dataset from scratch;
If True, add new row-group(s) to existing dataset.The data-set must
exist, and the schema must match the input data.
stats: True|False|list of str
Whether to calculate and write summary statistics.
If True (default), do it for every column;
If False, never do;
If a list of str, do it only for those specified columns.
if mkdirs is None:
mkdirs = default_mkdirs
if not append:
# New dataset.
i_offset = 0
i_offset = find_max_part(fmd.row_groups)
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
data = iter_dataframe(data, row_group_offsets)
rg_list = fmd.row_groups
for i, row_group in enumerate(data):
part = 'part.%i.parquet' % (i + i_offset)
if partition_on:
rgs = partition_on_columns(row_group, partition_on, dn, part,
fmd, compression, open_with, mkdirs,
with_field=file_scheme == 'hive',
partname = join_path(dn, part)
with open_with(partname, 'wb') as f2:
rg = make_part_file(f2, row_group, fmd.schema,
compression=compression, fmd=fmd,
for chunk in rg.columns:
chunk.file_path = part
fmd.row_groups = rg_list
fmd.num_rows = sum(rg.num_rows for rg in fmd.row_groups)
if write_fmd:
write_common_metadata(join_path(dn, '_metadata'), fmd, open_with,
write_common_metadata(join_path(dn, '_common_metadata'), fmd,
def iter_dataframe(data, row_group_offsets=None):
"""Yield data in chunk.
data : dataframe
Pandas dataframe to slice.
row_group_offsets: int or list of ints
If int, row-groups will be approximately this many rows, rounded down
to make row groups about the same size;
If a list, the explicit index values to start new row groups;
If `None`, set to 50_000_000.
Chunk of data.
if row_group_offsets is None:
row_group_offsets = ROW_GROUP_SIZE
# Could be extended to accept target size in memory for a row group (MB or
# GB), instead of target number of rows.
if isinstance(row_group_offsets, int):
n_rows = len(data)
if not row_group_offsets: # if row group is 0.
row_group_offsets = [0]
nparts = max((n_rows - 1) // row_group_offsets + 1, 1)
chunksize = max(min((n_rows - 1) // nparts + 1, n_rows), 1)
row_group_offsets = list(range(0, n_rows, chunksize))
for i, start in enumerate(row_group_offsets):
end = (row_group_offsets[i+1] if i < (len(row_group_offsets) - 1)
else None)
yield data.iloc[start:end]
[docs]def write(filename, data, row_group_offsets=None,
compression=None, file_scheme='simple', open_with=default_open,
mkdirs=None, has_nulls=True, write_index=None,
partition_on=[], fixed_text=None, append=False,
object_encoding='infer', times='int64',
custom_metadata=None, stats="auto"):
"""Write pandas dataframe to filename with parquet format.
filename: str or pathlib.Path
Parquet collection to write to, either a single file (if file_scheme
is simple) or a directory containing the metadata and data-files.
data: pandas dataframe
The table to write.
row_group_offsets: int or list of int
If int, row-groups will be approximately this many rows, rounded down
to make row groups about the same size;
If a list, the explicit index values to start new row groups;
If `None`, set to 50_000_000.
In case of partitioning the data, final row-groups size can be reduced
significantly further by the partitioning, occuring as a subsequent
compression: str, dict
compression to apply to each column, e.g. ``GZIP`` or ``SNAPPY`` or a
``dict`` like ``{"col1": "SNAPPY", "col2": None}`` to specify per
column compression types.
In both cases, the compressor settings would be the underlying
compressor defaults. To pass arguments to the underlying compressor,
each ``dict`` entry should itself be a dictionary::
col1: {
"type": "LZ4",
"args": {
"mode": "high_compression",
"compression": 9
col2: {
"type": "SNAPPY",
"args": None
"_default": {
"type": "GZIP",
"args": None
where ``"type"`` specifies the compression type to use, and ``"args"``
specifies a ``dict`` that will be turned into keyword arguments for
the compressor.
If the dictionary contains a "_default" entry, this will be used for any
columns not explicitly specified in the dictionary.
file_scheme: 'simple'|'hive'|'drill'
If simple: all goes in a single file
If hive or drill: each row group is in a separate file, and a separate
file (called "_metadata") contains the metadata.
open_with: function
When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object
mkdirs: function
When called with a path/URL, creates any necessary dictionaries to
make that location writable, e.g., ``os.makedirs``. This is not
necessary if using the simple file scheme
has_nulls: bool, 'infer' or list of strings
Whether columns can have nulls. If a list of strings, those given
columns will be marked as "optional" in the metadata, and include
null definition blocks on disk. Some data types (floats and times)
can instead use the sentinel values NaN and NaT, which are not the same
as NULL in parquet, but functionally act the same in many cases,
particularly if converting back to pandas later. A value of 'infer'
will assume nulls for object columns and not otherwise.
Ignored if appending to an existing parquet data-set.
write_index: boolean
Whether or not to write the index to a separate column. By default we
write the index *if* it is not 0, 1, ..., n.
Ignored if appending to an existing parquet data-set.
partition_on: string or list of string
Column names passed to groupby in order to split data within each
row-group, producing a structured directory tree. Note: as with pandas,
null values will be dropped. Ignored if file_scheme is simple.
Checked when appending to an existing parquet dataset that requested
partition column names match those of existing parquet data-set.
fixed_text: {column: int length} or None
For bytes or str columns, values will be converted
to fixed-length strings of the given length for the given columns
before writing, potentially providing a large speed
boost. The length applies to the binary representation *after*
conversion for utf8, json or bson.
Ignored if appending to an existing parquet dataset.
append: bool (False) or 'overwrite'
If False, construct data-set from scratch; if True, add new row-group(s)
to existing data-set. In the latter case, the data-set must exist,
and the schema must match the input data.
If 'overwrite', existing partitions will be replaced in-place, where
the given data has any rows within a given partition. To use this,
the existing dataset had to be written with these other parameters set
to specific values, or will raise ValueError:
* ``file_scheme='hive'``
* ``partition_on`` set to at least one column name.
object_encoding: str or {col: type}
For object columns, this gives the data type, so that the values can
be encoded to bytes.
Possible values are bytes|utf8|json|bson|bool|int|int32|decimal,
where bytes is assumed if not specified (i.e., no conversion). The
special value 'infer' will cause the type to be guessed from the first
ten non-null values. The decimal.Decimal type is a valid choice, but will
result in float encoding with possible loss of accuracy.
Ignored if appending to an existing parquet data-set.
times: 'int64' (default), or 'int96':
In "int64" mode, datetimes are written as 8-byte integers, us
resolution; in "int96" mode, they are written as 12-byte blocks, with
the first 8 bytes as ns within the day, the next 4 bytes the julian day.
'int96' mode is included only for compatibility.
Ignored if appending to an existing parquet data-set.
custom_metadata: dict
Key-value metadata to write
Ignored if appending to an existing parquet data-set.
stats: True|False|list(str)|"auto"
Whether to calculate and write summary statistics.
If True, do it for every column;
If False, never do;
And if a list of str, do it only for those specified columns.
"auto" (default) means True for any int/float or timestamp column
>>> fastparquet.write('myfile.parquet', df) # doctest: +SKIP
custom_metadata = custom_metadata or {}
if getattr(data, "attrs", None):
custom_metadata["PANDAS_ATTRS"] = json.dumps(data.attrs)
if file_scheme not in ('simple', 'hive', 'drill'):
raise ValueError( 'File scheme should be simple|hive|drill, not '
fs, filename, open_with, mkdirs = get_fs(filename, open_with, mkdirs)
if append == 'overwrite':
overwrite(dirpath=filename, data=data,
row_group_offsets=row_group_offsets, compression=compression,
open_with=open_with, mkdirs=mkdirs, remove_with=None,
if isinstance(partition_on, str):
partition_on = [partition_on]
if append:
pf = ParquetFile(filename, open_with=open_with)
if pf._get_index():
# Format dataframe (manage row index).
data = reset_row_idx(data)
if file_scheme == 'simple':
# Case 'simple'
if pf.file_scheme not in ['simple', 'empty']:
raise ValueError( 'File scheme requested is simple, but '
f'existing file scheme is {pf.file_scheme}.')
# Case 'hive', 'drill'
if pf.file_scheme not in ['hive', 'empty', 'flat']:
raise ValueError(f'Requested file scheme is {file_scheme}, but'
' existing file scheme is not.')
if tuple(partition_on) != tuple(pf.cats):
raise ValueError('When appending, partitioning columns must '
'match existing data')
pf.write_row_groups(data, row_group_offsets, sort_key=None,
sort_pnames=False, compression=compression,
write_fmd=True, open_with=open_with,
mkdirs=mkdirs, stats=stats)
# Case 'append=False'.
# Define 'index_cols' to be recorded in metadata.
cols_dtype = data.columns.dtype
if (write_index or write_index is None
and not isinstance(data.index, pd.RangeIndex)):
# Keep name(s) of index to metadata.
cols = set(data)
data = reset_row_idx(data)
index_cols = [c for c in data if c not in cols]
elif write_index is None and isinstance(data.index, pd.RangeIndex):
# write_index=None, range to metadata
index_cols = data.index
# write_index=False
index_cols = []
# Initialize common metadata.
if str(has_nulls) == 'infer':
has_nulls = None
check_column_names(data.columns, partition_on, fixed_text,
object_encoding, has_nulls)
ignore = partition_on if file_scheme != 'simple' else []
fmd = make_metadata(data, has_nulls=has_nulls, ignore_columns=ignore,
times=times, index_cols=index_cols,
partition_cols=partition_on, cols_dtype=cols_dtype)
if custom_metadata:
kvm = fmd.key_value_metadata or []
parquet_thrift.KeyValue(key=key, value=value)
for key, value in custom_metadata.items()
fmd.key_value_metadata = kvm
if file_scheme == 'simple':
# Case 'simple'
write_simple(filename, data, fmd,
compression=compression, open_with=open_with,
has_nulls=None, append=False, stats=stats)
# Case 'hive', 'drill'
write_multi(filename, data, fmd,
compression=compression, file_scheme=file_scheme,
write_fmd=True, open_with=open_with,
mkdirs=mkdirs, partition_on=partition_on,
append=False, stats=stats)
def find_max_part(row_groups):
Find the highest integer matching "**part.*.parquet" in referenced paths.
pids = part_ids(row_groups)
if pids:
return max(pids) + 1
return 0
def partition_on_columns(data, columns, root_path, partname, fmd,
compression, open_with, mkdirs, with_field=True,
Split each row-group by the given columns
Each combination of column values (determined by pandas groupby) will
be written in structured directories.
# Pandas groupby has by default 'sort=True' meaning groups are sorted
# between them on key.
gb = data.groupby(columns if len(columns) > 1 else columns[0], observed=False)
remaining = list(data)
for column in columns:
if not remaining:
raise ValueError("Cannot include all columns in partition_on")
rgs = []
for key, group in sorted(gb):
if group.empty:
df = group[remaining]
if not isinstance(key, tuple):
key = (key,)
if with_field:
path = join_path(*(
"%s=%s" % (name, path_string(val))
for name, val in zip(columns, key)
path = join_path(*("%s" % val for val in key))
relname = join_path(path, partname)
mkdirs(join_path(root_path, path))
fullname = join_path(root_path, path, partname)
with open_with(fullname, 'wb') as f2:
rg = make_part_file(f2, df, fmd.schema,
compression=compression, fmd=fmd, stats=stats)
if rg is not None:
for chunk in rg.columns:
chunk.file_path = relname
return rgs
def write_common_metadata(fn, fmd, open_with=default_open,
For hive-style parquet, write schema in special shared file
fn: str
Filename to write to
fmd: thrift FileMetaData
Information to write
open_with: func
To use to create writable file as f(path, mode)
no_row_groups: bool (True)
Strip out row groups from metadata before writing - used for "common
metadata" files, containing only the schema.
with open_with(fn, 'wb') as f:
if no_row_groups:
fmd = copy(fmd)
fmd.row_groups = []
foot_size = write_thrift(f, fmd)
foot_size = write_thrift(f, fmd)
f.write(struct.pack(b"<I", foot_size))
def consolidate_categories(fmd):
key_value = [k for k in fmd.key_value_metadata or []
if k.key == b'pandas']
if not key_value:
# no pandas categories
key_value = key_value[0]
meta = json.loads(key_value.value)
cats = [c for c in meta['columns']
if 'num_categories' in (c['metadata'] or [])]
for cat in cats:
for rg in fmd.row_groups:
for col in rg.columns:
if ".".join(col.meta_data.path_in_schema) == cat['name']:
ncats = [k.value for k in (col.meta_data.key_value_metadata or [])
if k.key == b'num_categories']
if ncats and int(ncats[0]) > cat['metadata'][
cat['metadata']['num_categories'] = int(ncats[0])
key_value[2] = json.dumps(meta, sort_keys=True).encode()
def merge(file_list, verify_schema=True, open_with=default_open,
Create a logical data-set out of multiple parquet files.
The files referenced in file_list must either be in the same directory,
or at the same level within a structured directory, where the directories
give partitioning information. The schemas of the files should also be
file_list: list of paths or ParquetFile instances
verify_schema: bool (True)
If True, will first check that all the schemas in the input files are
open_with: func
Used for opening a file for writing as f(path, mode). If input list
is ParquetFile instances, will be inferred from the first one of these.
root: str
If passing a list of files, the top directory of the data-set may
be ambiguous for partitioning where the upmost field has only one
value. Use this to specify the data'set root directory, if required.
ParquetFile instance corresponding to the merged data.
out = ParquetFile(file_list, verify_schema, open_with, root)
return out
def overwrite(dirpath, data, row_group_offsets=None, sort_pnames:bool=True,
compression=None, open_with=default_open, mkdirs=None,
remove_with=None, stats=True):
"""Merge new data to existing parquet dataset.
This function requires existing data on disk, written with 'hive' format.
This function is a work-in-progress. Several update modes can be envisaged
and in the mid term, this function will provide a skeleton for achieving
update of an existing dataset with new data.
With current version, the only *update mode* supported is
``overwrite_partitioned``. With this mode, row-groups on disk that have
partition values overlapping with those of new data are removed first
before new data is added.
dirpath : str
Directory path containing a parquet dataset, written with hive format,
and with defined partitions.
data : pandas dataframe
The table to write.
row_group_offsets : int or list of int, optional
If int, row-groups will be approximately this many rows, rounded down
to make row groups about the same size;
If a list, the explicit index values to start new row groups;
If `None`, set to 50_000_000.
In case of partitioning the data, final row-groups size can be reduced
significantly further by the partitioning, occuring as a subsequent
sort_pnames: bool, default True
Align name of part files with position of the 1st row group they
compression : str or dict, optional
Compression to apply to each column, e.g. ``GZIP`` or ``SNAPPY`` or a
``dict`` like ``{"col1": "SNAPPY", "col2": None}`` to specify per
column compression types.
By default, do not compress.
Please, review full description of this parameter in `write` docstring.
open_with : function, optional
When called with a f(path, mode), returns an open file-like object.
mkdirs : function, optional
When called with a path/URL, creates any necessary dictionaries to
make that location writable, e.g., ``os.makedirs``.
remove_with : function, optional
When called with f(path), removes file or directory specified by
`path` (and any contained files).
stats: True|False|list of str
Whether to calculate and write summary statistics.
If True (default), do it for every column;
If False, never do;
And if a list of ``str``, do it only for those specified columns.
pf = ParquetFile(dirpath, open_with=open_with)
if (pf.file_scheme == 'simple'
or (pf.file_scheme == 'empty' and pf.fn[-9:] != '_metadata')):
raise ValueError('Not possible to overwrite with simple file '
defined_partitions = list(pf.cats)
if not defined_partitions:
raise ValueError('No partitioning column has been set in existing '
'dataset. Overwrite of partitions is not possible.')
# 1st step (from existing data).
# Define 'sort_key' function to be used to sort all row groups once those
# of new data will have been added.
# 'partitions_starts' is a `dict` that keeps index of 1st row group for
# each partition in existing data.
n_rgs = len(pf.row_groups)
max_idx = n_rgs-1
partitions_starts = {partitions(rg): (max_idx-i)
for i, rg in enumerate(reversed(pf.row_groups))}
def sort_key(row_group) -> int:
"""Return 1st row-group index with same partition.
If no partition matching, returns an index larger than the 1st
row-group indexes of any existing partitions.
# Taking n_rgs (=len(pf.row_groups)) as index for row-groups without
# matching partition among existing ones is overkill but works.
rg_partition = partitions(row_group)
return (partitions_starts[rg_partition]
if (rg_partition in partitions_starts) else n_rgs)
# 2nd step (from new and existing data).
# Identify row groups from existing data with same partition values as
# those in new data.
partition_values_in_new = pd.unique(data.loc[:,defined_partitions]
.astype(str).agg('/'.join, axis=1))
rgs_to_remove = filter(lambda rg : (partitions(rg, True)
in partition_values_in_new),
# 3rd step (on new data).
# Format new data so that it can be written to disk.
if pf._get_index():
# Reset index of pandas dataframe.
data = reset_row_idx(data)
# 4th step: write new data, remove previously existing row groups,
# sort row groups and write updated metadata.
pf.write_row_groups(data, row_group_offsets=row_group_offsets,
sort_key=sort_key, compression=compression,
write_fmd=False, open_with=open_with, mkdirs=mkdirs,
pf.remove_row_groups(rgs_to_remove, sort_pnames=sort_pnames,
write_fmd=True, open_with=open_with,
def write_thrift(f, obj):
# TODO inline this
if obj.thrift_name == "FileMetaData":
for kv in obj.key_value_metadata:
if not isinstance(kv.key, (bytes, str)):
raise TypeError(f"KeyValue key expected `str` or `bytes`, got: {kv.key!r}")
if not isinstance(kv.value, (bytes, str)):
raise TypeError(f"KeyValue value expected `str` or `bytes`, got: {kv.value!r}")
return f.write(obj.to_bytes())
def check_32(x):
if x > 2**31:
raise OverflowError
return x